Monday, March 2, 2015

"Two-torial" #3--Options for Tuning Your Guitar

To me nothing sounds as wonderful as a properly-tuned guitar--and nothing sounds worse than an out of tune guitar...!!  In the video linked below, I will talk about the major options you have for tuning your guitar:

1) Tuning to a keyboard or piano (which assumes that the piano has been tuned!).  Using this method, remember that on the piano, the note E just above middle C is the E that your high E-string should match.  You then work backwards down the keyboard to tune your B, G, D, A, and low E strings.

2) Clip on tuners seem to work the best for me, especially at a band rehearsal or gig.  They clip to your guitar's head-stock, and "read" the vibrations from the string.  So, even if you are trying to tune in a noisy bar between sets, you still get an accurate tuning.  Many new guitars also come with these vibration tuners built in!

3) There are many FREE apps for your smartphone or tablet that also serve to tune a guitar.  You play a note, and the microphone on your phone/tablet sends it to the app.  The app then tells you to raise or lower the pitch of each string.

4) Finally, there is relative tuning, which I also call "desert island" tuning.  It's a way to tune the guitar to itself, even if you don't have access to a tuner or keyboard.  I will cover that next week in my next "two-torial."

Here's the link to the video!  Enjoy--and play on!  (in tune, of course).  :)

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