Monday, November 23, 2015

Four Good Reasons to Write Your Own Songs

As one who teaches both guitar and songwriting, I am always encouraging my students to start writing their own songs.  Every great songwriter has to start somewhere, and you will find that the more you write, the better your songs will get--and the easier they will come to you!Here's four very good reasons to write your own material:

1 – You Already Have The Ability To Turn YOUR Thoughts Into Actual Songs!Each one of us experiences, people, places, thoughts, feelings, and situations--no matter our age.  As they say “A good writer can portray a beautiful story out of the most everyday experiences.” Well, for us guitar players, with the guitar in our hands helping us through our way – this is easier to achieve and stay motivated than it is for anyone else who is not currently in the world of playing music.  Write about what you know--even the ordinary and mundane--and you will find that songs come easily. A rhyming dictionary app and notebook or iPad is all that you will need. And your guitar, of course!

2 – Writing Songs Develops Your Overall Comprehension Of Music To New Levels:Every great songwriter started somewhere--they threw out words, melodies and harmonies that, in some cases, have come to inspire and uplift millions of human beings. But sitting with yourself and trying to come up with your own words and music will slowly give you the ARTIST'S point of view on music. From this point of view, you will see a lot more, and I can definitely say that all of my enjoyment and appreciation from music has moved forward by leaps and bounds since I started writing songs myself.  Write constantly--you may only use 10% of what you write down, but that's enough to make some great songs!

3 – Writing Music To Your Lyrics Dramatically Develops Your EAR and your grasp of music theory.Suddenly you will start getting the feeling of how a transition from a V (the “fifth” chord of a certain key) chord to a I (1st – Root) Sounds like. You will start noticing the unique feeling of a VI chord and the sense of a IV chord that is building the tension before the V and so on. You will start literally hearing and seeing things that you have never heard or knew existed in ALL the music you will listen to, and it will all come back ten-fold in a very practical way.  And remember: a LOT of really great songs have been written around three chords.

4 – Songwriting Develops Your Creativity This one is self-explanatory. I also believe that creativity is something that can be seen as a whole, and when you engage your right brain and work on it through songwriting, it takes all your ideas and thoughts in life to new heights. Not only in music, but in all other areas of life as well.I talk more about this in the video below; enjoy, and Happy Pickin'!

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